SignalHire Email Finder possibilities

Verified Emails Only

We find and verify emails in real-time mode. Prior to showing you any found email, we verify it via two 3rd-party verification tools. We’ve done the job for you!

Find email addresses in bulk

As opposed to other extensions out there, SignalHire extension allows finding emails in bulk for up to 100 people at a time! Finding emails has become 100X faster!

Find email address by name, position and location

The SignalHire extension is backed by powerful search filters that allow you to find an email address by a person's name, title, or location!

Find anyone’s Email Address Instantly

Find verified up to date email addresses for LinkedIn profiles and other social networks.

Find Anyone’s Email Address in Seconds

When you face a task of an email search you need to find out what email finder is good enough for your specific needs.

The question of how to find email addresses may sound trivial but most of the email extractors out there will return you way different results.

Take email hunter, as an example. This tool will help you to find an email address but only a business one and only in case if you know a company’s domain. While finding the company’s domain for small companies may be easy enough, it becomes a huge challenge to find it for giant companies such as Facebook, Google, or Amazon.

This is the reason why our customers choose SignalHire. The extension not only finds business and personal emails (you shouldn’t even bother finding company’s domain) but it also lets you find address by name, location, or title